Spedizioni gratuite per ordini superiori a 100 €
Società Agricola La Casa Rosa Srl
Contrada San Benedetto Sn
92100 Agrigento
P.iva 02976060844
A strong, powerful and true oil, intense green with golden hues. N Its peculiarity è that it contains three times the antioxidant polyphenols of any other oil. NFrom the yellow-green color, to the smell it presents itself with a medium fruity, very bitter and spicy. Upon tasting, notes of dill, fennel, artichoke, pepper, hay and almond are found. Impressive closes tastefully, spicy and with long resistance of vegetable tones. Coratina olive should be tasted and appreciated for the flavors and scents it releases, unique and unmistakable. There are many foods that go well with this oil with an important and decisive taste. In the kitchen they recommend it for dressing vegetables and meat grilled, porcini mushrooms, but also for mixed legume soups, salad tomatoes and in particular for seasonal cheeses. The Coratina oil also boasts the highest level of oleic acid which contrasts bad cholesterol . Bottles 0.25 L of Organic Calua Extra Virgin Olive Oil - CORATINA
La qualità e l’eccellenza siciliana dell’olio extravergine di oliva biologico
Email : info@caluaoliveoil.com
Tel: +39 331.7531954